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Selected short stories of Xiao Hong (7th Feb 23 at 12:41am UTC)
It's dusk and the sun is about to set. The sun glowed red in the small bamboo forest behind the village, and the Buffalo walked slowly in the paddy field. The train passed by the house, and the children of the family stood out in twos and threes to watch the train. The children stood still, as if stunned by the rumbling of the train. How long has the war been going on in Shanghai? It seems that they can't see any trace here, or there will be a troop transport vehicle coming later. Ma Bole thought so. But soon it was dark, and there was no moon in the sky, only stars. There was no light in the carriage, only the fireworks of smokers. Horse Bole wanted to see the troop transport vehicle, but he didn't see it after all. He fell asleep, and slept very soundly, as if he were at home, snoring, dreaming, and sometimes saying one or two words in his sleep: "What a ***ing Chinese." "What shall we do then?" The wife listened and did not answer. The train just kept running along with a loud rumble. The wife sat beside her without closing her eyes. Because David had fallen asleep, Jager had fallen asleep, and Joseph had fallen asleep. Jager slept in his mother's arms. David slumbered against the corner like his father. As for Joseph, he had more than half a chair to himself, like a little bed, and he slept on it, and he slept very comfortably. He stretched out his leg and kicked David's knee with the heel of his hard leather shoes. Joseph's habit was to turn violently every time he turned over, and his mother was afraid that he would fall off the chair,tile trim manufacturers, so she kept an eye on him. Sleep to eight or nine o'clock, the cold hit, this child sneezed, that child coughed, the mother covered this with a coat, wrapped that with a sweater. Plus a lot of things, afraid that people are asleep for others to take away, so Mrs. Ma has not even closed her eyes. In the middle of the night,metal trim manufacturers, not only did Ma Bole's whole family sleep soundly, but all the people in the carriage also slept soundly. Snoring, snoring, clenching teeth, cursing, talking, all kinds of sounds began to ring. It seemed that Ma Bole's wife was the only one who had not slept in the carriage. She looked up and saw a strange phenomenon on everyone's face, biting their lips and wrinkling their noses, which made people very afraid. And Mrs. Ma Bole has never seen it. Mrs. Marble has never been on a third-class bus. It was all Ma Bole's idea. He said that when he fled, saving money was the first thing, so he took the third-class bus. The more the wife looked, the more afraid she became. She wanted to wake up Ma Bole to keep her company. She saw him sleeping so reluctantly that she wanted to call him several times, but she stopped, and she endured it. Suddenly there was a wow on the seat behind him. It turned out that it was not a monster, stainless steel edge trim ,aluminium tile trim profiles, but a bundle that fell on his head from a high place. But Mrs. Marble was so frightened that she pulled the horse away from the body that was still sleeping well and cried: "Paul, Paul!" Ma Bole was sleeping very well, where could he wake up, so he was half awake, hitting his wife's arm with his hand and saying: "What are you doing." What are you doing The wife said: "Paul, wake up." Ma Bole didn't even hear it, so he clenched his teeth and fell asleep again. I don't know if he completely forgot the Songjiang Bridge in his dream. Wait for Ma Bole to wake up, the world has changed greatly, shouting, shouting, has been a bit close to the earth-shaking. Ma Bole's drooping neck suddenly rose. He heard his wife say that the Songjiang Bridge had arrived. He wiped his neck all the way and wiped his eyes. The second sentence was no, and he said: "Grab it!" Perhaps he was not quite awake. He picked up his flashlight. He gave up his backpack and dry food bag and ran forward. Running to the door of the train, I saw that the people who got off the train were already in groups. Ma Bole looked: "What can we do then?" When he had finished, he himself felt a little wrong. When will it be? This is the time, he thought. The night was dark and heavy, and I had just woken up, and I felt very cold and shivering.
Ma Bole thought, isn't it time to sleep at home? Ma Bole then felt very sad, as if if he could sleep again in the carriage, he would sleep again and then get off, but where is the possibility, this is really a delusion. So Ma Bole had to follow the crowd and walk out of the carriage with his children and wife. As soon as I stepped out of the carriage, I heard shouts from far and near. Where is the Songjiang Bridge? It was invisible, so he had to join the crowd and follow the stream of the crowd. After walking half a mile, I came to the bridge. In the middle of this half a mile, those who were desolate, those who were separated, and those who cried and cried came to the bridge together. Ma Bole has arrived at the front. The wife and children have not arrived yet. Now that we have arrived at the bridge, there is no place to stop and no place to wait. Those in the rear should squeeze those in the front, and after squeezing down, they will step on those in the front and cross over. People are walking very fast, like a whirlwind, like a torrent. Whining as he walked. The people in the front have already grabbed the Songjiang Bridge. Because the night was dark, only shouts could be heard, but no one could be seen, as if the earth was still vast. The voice sounded in the distance, as if it had come out of nowhere between heaven and earth. It was strong and repressed, as if it had come not from the mouth of a man, but from a small box. Now that Ma Bole had come to the bridge, he could not stand or stop. Looking under the bridge, he saw that the bright white water was as condensed as mercury. Ma Bole was afraid when he saw it. Because his physical strength is gone. His big box weighs about fifty catties, his Jager weighs about thirty catties, and his dry food bags and thermos bottles weigh more than twenty catties in total, about one hundred catties in total. Such a thin Ma Bole, let him bear the weight of a hundred catties, finally a little too much. So when he came to the bridge, he looked at the water under the bridge,tile profile factory, his head was dizzy, as if he was going to fall, top-heavy. He thought: "I'm afraid I won't be able to cross the bridge?" 。
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