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Hachifu Linmen full text reading, novel Hachifu Li (11th Jan 23 at 2:07am UTC)
Turning her face sideways, she smiled at me, and I smiled back. She went to the washstand, but I didn't think I was worried. When I went out, as expected, there was her female bodyguard standing at the door. I was surprised and stood aside. I had always been a superior lady to protect the country. Now that I was a servant, I didn't know how to reflect it for a while. I had to cover up all the flaws that might appear by not moving. What's your name? Feng Xueyin asked with a faint smile. I lowered my head and said, "I, no, no, no. The maidservant is a girl from the Hundred Flowers Palace. Her name is Xi Yangyang." "Oh?" She seemed to look at me for a moment. "Yes." As soon as the voice fell, the female bodyguard rewarded me with an ingot of silver. I immediately took it and bowed my head: "Thank you for your reward. Thank you for your reward." After waiting for Feng Xueyin to go away, I slowly straightened up and looked at the silver for a while. Hey, my fortune is not reduced. I used to like Xuanyuan Yifei, but now I like Feng Xueyin. This has not yet opened the door to do business, and has earned ten taels of silver. That's right, my silver. I quickly went around to the back of the latrine, found the place where I buried the silver, and began to dig the hole. Read the novel website all the way. CN "Madam.". You slow down, you slow down. It was Xiao Ruo's voice. I stopped immediately. It was really lively today. I can't do it! I can't do it! Xiao Ruo, I can't do it at all! Feng Qingya seems very excited. What can't she do? "Madam.." Xiao Ruo also realized that he wanted to be another person. It's really hard.. We've been with a passer-by for so long,whirlpool hot tub, but we can't be as smooth as she is. If madam can be like her, madam may be out of everything. How on earth did a passer-by do it? What the hell did she do! Why can she smile cheekily in front of Xuanyuan Yifei, but I can't laugh. Why can she be a scoundrel to anyone, but I can't even be humble? They want to be like me? It's a little strange. Didn't you always disdain me before? Now you know the benefits of being a person like me. You are you! Suddenly, Nangong Qiu's voice appeared again, but it was not like talking to Hou Xian. But as gentle as the wind in the past. I didn't move, and I really wanted to see what their expressions were. Autumn? Have you heard from a passer-by these days? It turns out that Nangong has been looking for me these days. No Qingya,outdoor spa manufacturers, now that she's gone, you are you. You don't have to learn from her. "But Mingyu likes, Qiu, Mingyu has never really smiled at me before, but these days, his smile is true, he chased me to ask what was the sigh of that day?"? But I don't know at all, I don't know what day Mingyu is? How on earth did she meet Mingyu that day and what did she say to him. 1-6-K Fiction Network, Computer Station www. Cn。 What have you done. Why did she catch the center of Mingyu so easily? Qiu, how on earth did she do it! Why does everyone mention her, pay attention to her, like her, as if the whole world is revolving around her. Her. Who the hell is she? Elegant, calm. Calm Nangong Qiu's gentle voice made people move, and he soothed Feng Qingya's excitement with his unique gentleness, hot tub manufacturers ,whirlpool hot tub, "If only I knew where she was.." Qiu, what did you do to her that day! Why did I wake up in your room? And she's gone. If you found a way to change souls, why didn't you tell me in advance? We still need her. "It was an accident, and we can't control God's will." Nangongqiu's tone brought out helplessness again. Lips raised, Nangong Qiu, are you completely unable to forget me? This is your punishment for being arrogant! You are not a God who can control everyone's fate. You are just a mortal! Autumn, you go back to the shadow palace, must find her whereabouts, her existence, whether it is a threat to us, you must find out! The elegant voice of the wind turned deep and seemed to have calmed down.
"Yes!" "Also, inform your palace master, let him send someone else to take over your work here, you just need to find her for me!"! Even if a month, a year, ten years, regardless of life and death must give me a result! "Yes!" Huh? I remember that night Nangong Qiu called himself this palace, is he the master of the shadow palace? But from Feng Qingya's dialogue, it seems that Nangongqiu is not the master of the palace, or does Feng Qingya not know that Nangongqiu is the master of the palace at all? What kind of identity is Nangong Qiu? Very curious, but I will not seek the answer, Nangongqiu is like a flirtatious mandala, full of mystery, but once close, it will be beyond redemption. Since you're back today, go ahead and have a look. My sister is here, too. "Queen?"? What about the emperor? "He didn't. He should have found out that I'm not that passer-by. What I'm worried about now is that he's marrying me again. That's really.." Feng Qingya's tone became distressed. I understand. "Xiao Ruo, go and invite Mr. Li Ge." "Yes." Please leave the song? Will the song of departure come? When Feng Qingya and Nangong Qiu were completely far away, I collapsed, squatted for a long time, and my legs were numb. Although sitting on the ground, my hands did not stop, strange? Why can't I find it? Wait, what is this! A white bone suddenly appeared in the dark mud, and I was so frightened that I screamed: "Ah!" Quickly cover your mouth, the whole person is completely confused, how my silver turned into human bones! Could it be that Feng Qingya did someone and buried it here? I got up in panic, my legs were weak, I knelt down again, my body leaned forward, my hands reached the bone, I was so frightened that my whole body collapsed, and I dared not shout out, tears ran out of my eyes. Wait, this bone.. Why is there only one paragraph? I took it out and was dumbfounded. Tonight, I was confused by this surprise. It was a human bone in my hand. It was thick and big. It looked like a pig bone. Pig bone! Dragon Emperor! The Dragon Emperor stole my silver and buried my bones! The bone fell from his hand and the corners of his mouth began to cramp,endless swimming pool, which was a big joke. Looking up at the sky, Nangongqiu, you have become a fine dog!.
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