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Wear it quickly, the heroine and the male God can' (19th Dec 22 at 1:03am UTC)
In the next half hour, Qian Shensuan briefly talked with her about the mission of the Qianshi clan and the world after the end of the world. Although it is a simple generalization, it is much more than what Qian Si Nai said to him! The Qianshi family originated 600 years ago, specializing in the study of changes in the size of stars, the distance between stars and stars, and the life span of stars, and so on. They can infer the occurrence of disasters through the changes of these things. For example, the end of the world. A year ago, Chihiro discovered that two asteroids parallel to the star they lived on had begun to shrink. In other words, the quality has changed. At that time, he speculated that something big would happen in the world. It was not until three months ago that he finally confirmed the arrival of the end of the world. December 31, 2250. But even three months ahead of schedule, he knew that he still could not do anything but collect as many supplies as possible to save more people after the end of the world. Because he did not know where the city would eventually be guarded by human beings,smart whiteboard price, he could only quietly set up resource centers in the big cities of every province in case of emergency. Thousand operators naturally know that after the end of the world comes, many powers will be produced one after another. But what he didn't expect was that a power person would awaken her power before the end of the world. But also a space creator with one of the rarest powers. This wench must be roped in to become an ally, otherwise in case of being roped in by others, the consequences would be unimaginable! The fastest update WW. Book Ben. Net. 2353. No Chapter 2353 Welcome to the End Times (20) After seeing Luo operator, Luo Qingchen is an alliance with Qian Si Nai. It may be too exaggerated to say that the alliance is a doomsday partner at most. For her doomsday partner,temperature screening kiosk, the thousand operator is very friendly. Qian Si Nai took her to the safe base of Qian Jia and let her choose the right weapon at random. Swiss army knives, gas canisters, wireless headphones and so on, all kinds of things that can only be seen in militarized bases. You can take whatever you want. Qian Si Nai raised his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his mouth outlined a faint smile: "After tidying up, I'll drive you to the wholesale market." "Wholesale market?" "Do you have anything else to buy?" Said Luo Qingchen with trembling eyes. Luo Qingchen thought that Qian Si Nai had spent three months preparing, wasn't he ready yet? "I've almost bought my things." He looked at her lightly and said, "It's just that the things you buy in the supermarket are far from enough." In fact, when he was in the classroom that day, he noticed her. The smile of self-confidence, interactive whiteboard prices ,digital signage screen, as if with a God perspective, looking at the ignorance of those people. He immediately thought that she was different from others and might even know that the end of the world was coming. She secretly sent someone to follow her only to find that she was not going to school, but going back and forth between the major supermarkets and stores. Every time the big truck is full of things, it goes to another place. But to his great surprise, when the truck she drove arrived at the next location, she opened the back door of the container, but it was empty. In fact, he had already purchased almost all the medicines, but on that day he bought all the emergency medicines. In order to wait for the meeting near the factory. Yes, it is not an accidental encounter, but a purposeful destined encounter. Of course, Luo Qingchen didn't know that. Ding- "Out of the innermost room, Luo Qingchen took more or less things.".
In fact, if the end of the world is not coming, she is embarrassed to take so many things when she first comes to someone else's house! But it's an emergency, and it's already been traded! You don't have to be so polite! [The host thinks as if the man has already got your benefits!] Why the hell do you talk so much in this plane, pre-apocalyptic excitement syndrome? 【……】 The system is so aggrieved that it pokes the finger that does not exist and does not speak! "What did you take?" Qian Si Nai saw him walk out empty-handed, the tip of his eyebrows moved, and a faint light flashed through his cold eyes: "It seems that classmate Luo owes me more and more." "Why do thousands of students always say they don't owe.." Luo Qingchen looked at his eyes and cleared his throat and said, "When the bell of the end of the world rings, you will naturally need me." The power of space creator is definitely the top rare power of the sss-level in the power, and there are absolutely few power systems at the same level as it. Are you sure you can give me as much as I give you now? Qian Si Nai's beautiful eyes with a touch of tenderness, obviously sounds and unpleasant words, but from his mouth, they feel that the'comrade-in-arms relationship 'between the two of them seems to be a step closer. When Luo Qingchen heard this, he put his hands in his pockets and half squinted at him and said, "Are you sure you want to offend me now?"! I have a bad mentality. Once I owe too much and the debtor is particularly anxious to return it, I may run away directly! The fastest update 2354. No Chapter 2354 Welcome to the End Times (21). Qian Si Nai froze for a moment, naturally did not expect Luo Qingchen to say such a sentence. It sounds like a very irresponsible sentence, but he feels inexplicably cute! [Ding-plus ten for favorability, thirty percent for task completion.] Silently add the moment of good feeling,smart interactive whiteboard, Luo Qingchen secretly happy in the heart. Is it difficult for Si Nai to be really afraid that she will run away? Ha-ha ha-ha ha! I don't know why she felt so happy when she thought about it. Luo, your behavior now can probably be described by an idiom. Qian Si Nai half squinted, the corners of his mouth always with a faint smile. What words? "Cross the river and burn the bridge." 。
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